Music Magazine Front Covers: Edit 6

Women with a Crown on her Head

Creative and Design Decisions: Edit 6

The reason I chose to draw a crown on the head of the model on the Cover of my Music Magazine is because of the saying that calls all African Women, Queens.

I believe every Women is a queen and therefore should be treated like one. But I also know that in the world we live in today, where feminism or being a feminist is women burning their bras and insisting on being treated like men, is not the world I wish we lived in and therefore all women are NOT treated like queens. Women lose the gift God gave them of being a women. We lose the pride we used to have to be women and now insist people try their hardest to forget we are women making us immediately conform making us camouflaged in a world filled with different and complex people that are somehow treated the same but different.  So by adding a cartoon looking crown on the head of my model I insist on her being treated like the queen she truly is. She does not accept to be treated like anything less than a Queen. 

She is Art. 

Her crown is slanted showing how easily she could allow it to fall but she wont cause she knows who she is and what shes capable of. It also shows that she is not yet grown/ mature enough to be able to own it with the confidence it deserves. It is the focal point of the whole cover.

That is the message and story behind the ‘Women with a Crown on her Head’.


  1. The experimentation is very interesting. This cover with the cartoon-like, drawn crown still stands out as very strong.
    The layout is very powerful. The smartness of the white border balances the busy colours of the background. The simplicity of the main image and masthead also work as an effective contrast.
    Can you think about what story you are aiming to tell with this image? What kind of musician is she? What does she represent? Think about how that could be illustrated in the design.

    1. Thank You!

      I will think of that. I was already thinking of adding a kind of description under it to explain my design choices and what kind if message i was trying to express, if that's what you mean by that.


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