Music Magazine Front Cover : Edit 9


Creative and Design Decisions: Edit 2

The reason I chose to create these effects on this edit of my music magazine cover is to show the disproportion of her face.

To create this effect I multiplied several of the same images and edited them differently. I edited and arranged the image on Microsoft Publisher, which I also used to lay it all out. I made one of th3e images yellow and the other blue. I chose these two colours because they stand out the most from the original picture which I also saved in the background of the layered images. I also added a black and white version to show contrast. With these images I made some larger and some smaller to purposefully make them not fit. Apart from the images I added on top there is not much else changed from the first edit. The only other thing I changed was the colour of the font on the bottom of the page.

The message behind the image is representative of the amount of layers we all put on in order to conserve our true selves and our true intentions. Today, in the world to be honest is to be absurd and disrespectful and to be considerate with your words is almost unheard of. Honesty is sometime I, personally, hold to a very high priority. I base all of my valued relationships on honesty because I think its something that you cannot grow without. In terms of the message in correlation to the title of the magazine, ‘CAMOUFLAGE’, I believe by us shielding the truth from ourse;ves and others we are slightly camouflaging ourselves and therefore blending in with the rest of the world. Something I have come to just believe and understand is that the world will never be the place we all think or want it to be. Its never going to happen, and that’s ok I guess cause were all different and we all have different perspectives on how we want our lives to be. And to me tat goes hand in hand with honesty. Not everyone is always going to be completely honest and that’s something that ive just come to accept.

Themes: Truth, Honesty and CAMOUFLAGE


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