Music Magazine Double Page Spread: Edit 1

First Double Page Spread: Ideas 

I will use this template I made to show what I would like my double page spread to look like.

I was thinking of using this kind of layout as it includes large colourful images and amazing eye catching photography, I say eye catching as it is not conventional and may create questions and/or curiosity towards what the issue is due to its vulgarity.

I don’t intend to have a lot of text as I have done some research and most people don’t read past the first age of anything unless they really must, so, to keep my young audience engaged I intend on keeping the text ‘short and snappy’ and keep them on the move throughout the magazine giving them all the important information.

I used to who green barriers to attract the readers eye more to the writing rather than anything. I made that decision as most people ignore the text on anything so to make it a little more interesting I created those barriers the highlight the text.


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