Music Magazine Contents Page: Edit 1

First Contents Page: Ideas

I made this Contents page thinking of how I would like my final music magazine contents page to look like. I posted it but then later realised there was a lot I wanted to change. 

From this contents page I would like to take:
  • The pop of colour – to make it the focal point.
  • The neutral facial expression – in order to make it more simple and mysterious
  • The neutral colour of clothing to draw the readers eye to the face of the model instead of their clothing.
  • The consciously contrasting colour of font compared to main colour – create a contrasting effect.
What I want to change:
  •  I want to add a backdrop to make it look like the picture was is not candid but was taken with purpose.
  • Instead of having the image in the background of the page I want to have it strategically placed.
  •  Instead of having the content of the contents page on the bottom right corner I maybe make it the focal point of the page.
  • To make it more elegant and simple I’m thinking of not adding a description of the image – it will just be referenced with importance in the main title
  • I would also like to make the shot type slightly closer to make it more intimate.


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