Case Study: Questionnaire School Magazine

Result Analysis:

This may be because the student faces are present adding a more personal feel to it. it makes the reader feel like they know who these models are. they therefore feel more attached. I am quite shocked to hear that the first image was the unpoular one as i felt like it was the one that felt the most realistic out of the rest, but the public decided that, therefore i may have mis understood the approach they were going for
These results also stunned me slightly as i expected the public to choose inspirational stories over school events. i guess that was also miss communicated through my analysis of the public. 

In these results it looks like the public wanted the magazine to be published once a month meaning it will be more packed with information rather than pointless stories just there to add pages to the magazine.

Here clearly the public was quite exited to hear about the 'D grade billionaire'. i chose to include this story in the questionnaire as it was the story i wanted to cover so by adding one nice one and making the rest of them not so nice this means that i, in a way, made the choice for them, without making it for them. they made this choice on their own but with my influence.

This shows that the public want the magazine to be lively and filled with energy and colour. colour can also indicate the audience as usually people of a younger age use colour as something that attracts them.

This result is quite hard to read as it is hard to understand whether they want more text and image or just more text and image but overall more images. i presume what this means is that they want more content with overall more images to draw the eye. it is scientifically proven that as a generation we are more visual and audial. we chose to read information off of something that looks like an image rather than text.

This question was to test how much the reader believes the magazine is worth. from this i can see that they think its of quite a high quality.

This shows that most of the population was probably sixth formers, or that rest rest of the year groups don't care much about it.


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