Music Magazine Photoshoot + Shot Explanation





Photoshoot: Message behind the Camera

These images are of my model in front of a tapestry I purchased from IKEA. I chose to use this tapestry as I felt like it communicated the message I was trying to send to the readers of my magazine.

I chose to take these images wearing a simple white t shirt. I chose a simple item of clothing as I didn’t want it to be the focal point of the image. I chose to pose my model sideways to remove the confrontational feel of that sort of posture. I wanted it to be more passive.

I chose to take a couple images of my typewriter along with the images of my model as I felt like it could help express the personality of the person that was being interviewed. The type writer shows how ‘old school’ the person may be and how in touch with the art of writing they may be. I also added some significant items that may have been found in the models bedroom to help explain what kind of person the model is making the model more relatable.

I also took images of the model using the typewriter to show how concentrated the model is and can be while creating her art.

I also attempted to take some images of the model sitting in a traditionally Mozambican chair made of straw. It is something commonly found in Mozambican houses close to the beach, this represents her heritage and culture behind her.

I used bold colours in the images of the typewriter to represent the ongoing theme of my magazine which is bold colours.

The shot type that I tried to mostly use is eye level to the shoulder.


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