Evaluation: Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine and why?

When I was designing my magazine, I thought of all aspects of it. because my magazine is quite rebellious and controversial in terms of the articles it includes and the sort of outreach it has. I did this purposefully as I see no magazine like mine in this day-and-age. 

Image result for no more mass mediaMy magazine breaks way too many barriers, in my opinion, to be owned by any parent company. As I have learnt most magazines that have previously been independent and have been bought by parent companies, meaning that they now have someone calling the shots, have changed drastically in terms of content, quality and marketing.Having a magazine that is owned by a parent company such as Time Inc. means that there is always going to be someone above the editor that has the last say on what happens to the magazine. This kind of ownership was something I knew was not right for my magazine as I wanted to be able to address certain issues the media does not necessarily address well, such as rising artists of minority groups, controversial stories about ordinary people (stories that do not been manipulated by the media), and addressing the real questions in life that most 16-25 year olds are probably asking themselves. When a magazine is owned by a parent company it is easier for it to be manipulated and slightly made bias and untrue, that is my reason to why I wanted to make my magazine independent.
When creating my magazine, I wanted it to be sold worldwide online and physically as printed copies. I made sure to make my magazine universal in terms of something that is easily relatable by people of all ages, not just 16-25 year olds. I want my magazine to be produced and written in at least one country in every continent, written especially to suit the different societies and have all these copies available online too. I feel like some famous magazines that are produced in western countries but are sold in underdeveloped countries are sometimes hard to relate to as most of what is in it is tailored to western society.


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