Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Examples of how technology helped me create certain effects
Throughout the making of my music magazine I used Software such as Microsoft Publisher (mainly), Photoshop, Microsoft one note and for the editing of my images I used VSCO Cam and Snapseed. These applications greatly helped me in terms of design as I was not restricted or in any way limited to do anything I wanted to do. To edit my images, I used applications on my mobile phone, making the process 10x easier as I could edit my images on the go and did not take to long. They are also very simple applications to use. In terms of arrangement and assembly of the magazine Microsoft Publisher even gave me some suggestions to how and where to place some icons making it easier to use and genuinely entertaining to use as it is very straight forward and simple to use.

Using microsoft Tablet to create certain effects and filters and layer.
Using these applications was a breeze. I learnt a lot about them and I achieved many things I didn’t think I would be able to without it, for example, when I used Microsoft OneNote to add another layer to my front covers I hadn’t used the software before. When I opened the application, it gave me a short run through of how to use it, clarifying all my doubts, when the short tutorial was over I opened the app and struggled slightly to use it but after a while I got the hang of it and managed to move through it swiftly doing everything I wanted to with the app. It was beyond useful and it greatly surprised me in its capability. Using Photoshop was a bit of a hassle for me. I struggled for a while until I asked a friend to help me out with using it. she helped me and I never used it again as I was also not very keen on using it again as I had no effects I wanted to recreate using it. I found it useful for what I needed it for but I don’t believe I would use it again. It was too complex to use. I have, however, learnt to use Photoshop in a very basic way. That is something I will forever value.   

When creating this magazine, I used mainly technology to create most of my effects and filters. It helped me create the effects I needed and helped me express the messages I was trying to portray. Technology is one of the most essential parts of print media especially in this day-and-age where print media is becoming less and less popular. Even though print media seems to be dying I believe this digital age is its opportunity to start fresh and attract a young new crowd. Magazines have historically always be something read and made for people with a new mindset and people open to new ideas and I believe this emergence of digital technologies is print medias opportunity to regain its popularity and attract a new crowd open to understanding the new and improved version of print media.


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