Case Study: Content of a Magazine

Analysis of Content of a Magazine

Image result for gossip magazine articleIn this article, I noticed many recurring themes. Themes such as celebrity news, gossip, entertainment news and Hollywood. This article gives the reader an insight to what it may feel like to be a celebrity and the hardship that some celebrities go through every day. It explains to the reader the intentions that some celebrities, in this case Clint Barton, may have when meeting them. It puts the reader’s feet in the celebrities shoes and shows them what it’s like in their shoes, to feel angry, to feel like they are constantly being followed and like they have no privacy. This is something that they may not consider as all they see from most celebrities are the rude remarks and the arrogant reactions, by having articles like this that clear up the celebs name and makes them seem a little bit more humane.

This article seems to be quite focused on the celeb and less on the fans suggesting that the reader care more about the celebrity rather than those that suffered from his actions. It promotes this idea that even though a celebrity goes through human problems like us all they still somehow remain superior to us. Even though they did something wrong and reacted rudely to a group of people they are still somehow forgiven and given the spotlight. It is called the superiority complex. "The superiority complex is one of the ways that a person with an inferiority complex may use as a method of escape from her or his difficulties…”, is a brief description. This may also be the reason why they enjoy reading articles such as these. It’s an escape from their everyday lives. Knowing that the person they may look up to and see at such a far distance is just as human as them but always superior to them. It may also make them feel slightly better as they may enjoy reading about the misfortune of others.


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