Case Study: Analysis of the Content of a Magazine - 'women' Magazine

‘woman’ Magazine

‘Woman’ magazine is a magazine designed to inform women of then the essential current celebrity news, fashion trends and all the best weight loss diets and. The magazine seems quite casual but also very much factual and informative in the areas it deems important. The target audience of the magazine seems to be middle aged women (aged 25-45) that seem to struggle with ‘Keeping up with the Jones’, of fashion and dieting which is exactly what the magazine provides. The magazine seems to be trying to convey to its audience how hard it can be to diet but also showing how to be able to be in shape and still be a working woman with style from affordable stores. Along with the large amounts of adverts in the magazine the company uses their ads to help encourage their readers to become healthier or more fashionable and ‘current’.
In the magazine, there are also one or two real life stories of normal people who have been through hardship. This shows the readers/ audience that they can make it through tough times and that they can survive more than they think they can. This promotes female empowerment and a strengthening in our society in the sense of helping each other. It is also useful in providing actual ways in which to lose weight such as recipes of soups and detoxes and it’s also useful in providing health advice such as why a person should consider losing weight.
 The fashion advice in the magazine encourages the readers to look and feel good to better present themselves in the public eye and to feel better about themselves, or even, ‘look as good as they feel’.

The kind of stories in this magazine make me think that the editor of the magazine is promoting self-empowerment, independence, good health and fashion awareness. I say this because most of the articles in the magazine must do with these themes. The magazine encourages its readers to be smart empowered independent women that can juggle good heath, work and fashion and still have a social life and be aware of social affairs


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