Research: Representation and Genre Front Cover Analysis

Image result for rap music magazine cover

Chance The Rapper - Dazed & Confused

In the music magazine, ‘Dazed & Confused', the hip hop/rap recording artist Chance The Rapper appears on the front of the magazine behind a pink background. The magazine Dazed and confused is known for its vulgar, rather strange and confusing front covers therefore this cover was no exception. He appears confused and almost in question. He wears a button down blue shirt with a red accent down the buttons. On top of this however he wears a large furry yellow jumper. This jumper contradicts the image he gives out with the blue and red button down. the button down suggests a sophisticated put together person with a general sense of style and the jumper, opposed to this, suggests an extremely fashion forward contemporary fashionista. It is also not very masculine and may be seen as quite a feminine item of clothing. The straight cap also does not agree with his overall look as it is seen as a very casual street look item. It is also one of his famous signature looks therefore fans of his will easily notice it is him form a mile away.  The use of the pink background also agrees with this statement, the bright pink colour is stereo-typically very feminine and can sometimes be confused for something very girly. The gradient of the colour also draws the eye is it is very bright and vibrant.

From the overall look of the magazine I can see that the target audience is probably anyone aged 16-25. I say this as the cover has several different aspects of what I believe young adults are interested in, such as hip hop music, fashion and tons of colours and controversial items.


In this magazine cover a rap music/ hip hop magazine attitudes are very much gangster and quite masculine and tough. In contrast in this magazine the rapper/ hip hop artist is represented as quite feminine and 'alternative'. It is almost a complete opposite of what is expected from a hip hop/rap magazine or even a unique representation of a rap/hip hop artist.


There are several aspects of this magazine that I enjoy and that I believe I will also use in my magazine cover. Questions such as: "Does Genre Matter?" "Is it necessary to have a clear genre on a front cover of my magazine?” arose and I have been questioning such things and I believe it does not matter as genre is almost connected to a stereotype as it is an expectation or clear representation of a certain type of thing* (*music, art, writing). In my magazine I believe I will create a contradictory statement opposing my chosen genre to make a point.


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