Evaluation: Question 2

How does your magazine represent a particular social group?

My target audience are those 16- 25 years old.

From the research I’ve done, people from the age of 16- 25 are quite individualists and are extremely unique. They are so rare that they don’t actually fir into any category. They are their own people. These millennials are less bothered if a brand is popular or in the contemporary market, but are more worried about what they want and what they like rather than how its seen.  Young people would rather waste more money on something of a great quality than buying something cheap that isn’t worth much. They are more concerned about quality over quantity.

When creating this magazine, it thought of all the miscommunicated stereotypes and expectations put on women. I also considered current affairs in terms of the political situation happening in America with women rights and the women’s march. I looked at what the world id looking like today and what it’s like to be a contemporary minority women living in today’s world. I looked at all the angles and evaluated what its really like to be an opinionated minority young women in 2017. From these views and ideas, I came up with this idea of pining women with the pink hats. This colour has followed us through history and still has a very strong, and different, meaning today.

The Pussyhat Project was launched Thanksgiving weekend to knit thousands of pink hats for those who would march in Washington, D.C. for the Women's March. The mission behind the project was to provide a "unique collective visual statement which will help activists be better heard" and to provide "people who cannot physically be on the National Mall a way to represent themselves and support women’s rights." 
– Bustle.com

The Pussycat Project was one of the most significant events of the History of America, let alone 2017. It is a topic I had many opinions on and therefore I took it and analysed it and managed to sneak it into my final production. 

Using this information, I weighed out the odds and came up with this magazine. It is totally contemporary, filled with current affairs in the creative industry and interesting debatable issues all millennials would be interested in.

The way I wanted my magazine to be seen is as an independent, controversial, talked about, seen as high end, (mainly) music magazine. My magazine, compared to most contemporary music magazines, is quite simplistic, elegant, controversial and accessible.  Compared to most contemporary magazines my magazine does not obey conventional societal rules. For example, putting no famous faces on the front cover and sharing their story. Usually, magazines tend to share familiar faces on the cover of their magazines to attract fans and admirers, but with my magazine I made it seem as if I was giving a voice to the little man* and hopefully giving them a platform to share their story and thoughts. 

*The little man being new artists; inspiring people; and people who have a story to tell

Image result for power to the people pngThe motto of this magazine is to give a voice to the voiceless but without it looking or feeling like some sort of advertisement but more like a real, high end cover issue on a person well deserving of such attention. 



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